Friday 25 January 2013

rock papers scissors, screwed

its around three p.m where i am, on a Friday. am sitting at home, pretending to work on some school projects, but oh my God is it ever hard!!

i asked for an off day from the office to finish up some assignments and a dissertation that is giving me the side eye because we could get a bloody A on it, but i am not quite...into much. -_-. boo hoo Lola, boo hoo.

i shouldnt even be taking this break, i have a conveyancing paper due in two hours..make that one and a half due to the time it will get me to get to school, also, a women in the legal process one that i cant be bothered with right now..  but i figured, oh you have your blogger dashboard on so maybe..why not...give it a here...poke poke poke...poke.....poke......someone stop me....poke.

oh i must tell you, i got to meet a favourite fan last week, and we had G&T at this lovely bar by the sea. it was full of open mouthed laughters and chain smoking on my part. i must say, looking forward to make good friends with you pappy.

on about the drink, the lady has turned me into a light weight i fear, i had a glass of wine, which by the way, i don't know why it did not come with a bucket of ice, got tepid a bit too fast. management, take care of this yes, and a double gin and tonic and i was scared to go pee...because grace, is not my strongest suits, sober...imagine when i am a teensy bit inebriated..i had a few silent chuckles with my reflection in the ladies and debated on returning a drunken call favor. thank heavens my heart pull out all the breaks on that one. not enough breaks that i got a card certified...okay, i did it, i do work in a law firm, and i thought....bbbbbhhh why not?

also, before i forget, remember when i had a rant about no battle of the bands...oh joy of joys, there is a gig coming up, and i will be there, flushed face and such, because well...rock and roll darlings.

i feel like this post feels pretentious, not a single cuss word in it, but oh the restraint, i used up all of mine cussing out the existence of this lovely little ratchet bitch (oh there it is) who decided to have an all out attack on bisexuals.and she dares call herself a writer, my lord, i could post the link for you, but i feel i have suffered enough for all of us. and i refuse to promote shameless tabloids. articulating your views and opinions is all well and good, but something has to be said about class. and while i am not the classiest of all, i know a skank when i see one...and i call skank. obviously, this still bothers me, so i will stop there.

blog review: a cute little darling friend of mine has a lovely blog on around here...go read it, it will earn you a chuckle or two, also, i think am cool enough to point out who else is cool (my Lord i just felt my head swell up a bit) . is the place.

now, i know for sure i cannot wait for this day to end, hopefully with that land laws paper done, and then maybe i can convince the lady to make good use of my prezzie ;)

oh shuttup, its a wine pitcher, the sorts Il covo has.
ta darlings

cheers to the freaking weekend

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