Tuesday 25 March 2014

You can't have your (cup)cake and eat it too

Cupcake read my last post.
Yes. We are still together.
Yes. we are still annoyingly cute together.
No. we do not take couple selfies.

So lady and I have this unspoken agreement where she does not read my blog. actually, she told me she would probably never  read my blog because my posts are too long. But she does. She never wants to dissect my posts and find a deeper intense meaning behind my words. and thank fuck that. But she knows when a post is up for discussion and when its not. basically if its up for discussion, she won't really say that she read it, like "oh I read your post today." no...random statements and comments will creep up on me during conversations that are suspiciously familiar. sometimes she yells them at me...at times she sneers them...but mostly she cackles. like a witch. A very sexy enchanting witch. and when its not up for discussion she so sweetly gets me a bottle of wine because I probably do need it.

Last week's post was hilarious for me...writing it was the most fun I have had in the advocate's library in like forever. but I was a bit embarrassed because I am a nice girl who should not talk about another girl's tits. No matter how imaginary said girl is. if you didn't read my last post... http://soshesa.blogspot.com/2014/03/sapphic-tinga-majigas.html

Anyway, we were sitting out with cupcake and the bff when the bff told me that her boy toy (forgive me, but you two refuse to define this thing so you get to be called boy toy) had read my new post, and was asking if it really did happen. The number of people who asked me that is insane!! i refuse to comment on it. So cupcake turns to look at me..as her eyes grow wider and wider at the hints of me writing smut.
"I swear the sex scene is like two sentences long!" and I do swear it seemed like two sentences long. Apparently it wasnt. oooops.

so this is Cupcake's reaction to my post.

1- The fuck are almond shaped eyes?
2- I do not want to see you talking to any skinny girls! (she talks like she weighs a tonne this one. )
infact, I do not want your eyes to wander to skinny arms. Twigs?? no. If a skinny girl is infront of you, close your eyes
3- we will cut down every tree in Mombasa.
4- I should not see you standing under a tree, or anywhere near a tree.
5- talk to a skinny girl under a tree and its over!
6-Do not smoke under trees!
7- do not share your cigarette with a skinny girl. especially not under a tree!!
8- any tree that stands in your way will be pulverized.

she jokes.
I think.

Namaste bitches.

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