Friday 11 January 2013

guitar riffs and blue panties

i woke up in a not-so-good-mood. check previous post.

Girl, got me some albums because i no listen to music since my comp crashed and i don't have time between work and class to download shit to my phone....also, not that many great a choice on mo-phone sites for good music.

she doesn't listen to metal.guuuh. IKR!! but i got her to like Chop Suey and Toxicity a bit. she will NOT listen to Black Dahlia Murder...or she thinks she wont...muhahahaha.
so now playing...Trivium- Master of Puppets. do you know what this song reminds me...BoTB. MY LAWWD what happened to this amazing event that had me travel 8hours in the cheapest bus to nairobi for a night of debauchery?? like seriously????!

for those of who..(so uncool btw, like fuck you) do not know how awesome Battle of The Bands was....this was why.

i can't say i have good taste in music, in fact, i have the worst taste in music, why lie...after this playlist, ill probably play a K-pop playlist....or taraab cause am coastal and shit.
but now, lets talk about heavy (or what i think is heavy, we have an understanding with bechah that shit i listen to is not heavy. but meh.)
i stay in Mombasa...the rock gigs we have...or when it fikaz like 3a.m and a club is playing 'rock' its always Bon Jovi and that ka one last breath song and whats his face Nickelback.
BoTB was the one chance...ONE CHANCE motherfuckers, i had to listen to heavy stuff...really really really loud! you would be at the entrance at Choices right, and you hear some MCR...but funny shit is btw, i always heard Breaking Benjamin at the entrance, like i would get to Choices and a Breaking benjamin song...something like...u take the breath right out of me....would play, NOSTALGIA like whatnuw??! anyway, so you would listen to that...and then that corner to the basement, and you start having mini orgasms   at the different tones...and this is where i have to try soo hard not to frig myself to death before getting to the mosh pit.
but then i get the urge too when i'm on the street and Gojira comes on to my playlist and i want to mosh and wank at the same hot!
...then our bands!! OMG!!! i met one of my closest friends...holla ducky...when he was on stage performing Chop Suey...and it was fucking epic...we had just got in right, and this guy who had just friend requested me THAT morning, and had a massive bitching bash at rocktoberfest' because well, pussies, with goes on stage and i, i did not forget the 'S' in that word. and Crystal Axis??! and Last Years Tragedy?? and OMG everything yeah??
basically, i used to go to it to get off on the music *schlick schlick* (thats fap fap for me cause i have a vag)

if you bond at BotB with someone...that bond is unbreakable...lool...what beautiful amazing people, i refuse, vehemently to use brutal...but yeah..YOU GUYS FUCKING RULE. i had no friends in mombasa because, what's the point if i see guys at the end of the month, listen to good music, make out at some random fence, and smoke some kush?

all those random conversations that went like,
"some guy has weed"
"you know him?'
"nah, i know his friend."
"cool, lets join in"

awesome people share joints...mpaka with the askaris you guy.
this to you all..
the convos about irish men nipples and sex versus...well sex.

and OMG that time i was intro'd to mahia and i fan girled like
(**',) no really
"Mahia, this is Lola, she thinks you're cool"
me: (**)
Mahia: Hi! nice to meet you
me: (**)
Bechah: LOL say something!
Me: (**,) :D :D
Bechah: LOOOOOOOLLL *facepalm*
Me: *waves*
Mahia...well...i um...gotta go to meet you
me: *waves* (**,)
i am not joking!!

buut, there were those people who annoyed the hell out of me!! like some random ratchet bitches off of facebook who would be like...ooh you saw me and never said hi you a snob....bitch i dont know you, but clearly you say hello!!!
and that random bitch who pulled an Avril and showed us her ugly knickers??
and who goes to a gig like that in sandals??

my eyes hurt, n i need cuddles, so am signing off.

but i miss BoTB, i miss leaving my Friday Class to get on a bus just for it every month.
I miss seeing Shii in his leather jacket and his english accent, Vick and his awesome tees...thanks for the discographies you guy, i miss you mucho mucho.
i miss Fagslut trying not to fall on his ass,
I miss Bechah trippy and giggly,
i miss those really hot emo sluts you can only look and not touch because....herpes.
someone do something about bringing it back?? not these random gigs that i find out how cool they were THE MORNING AFTER. playing...Machine Head- Wolves.

p.s, i should have been working on my dissertation. lool

ciao motherfuckers \M/

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