Thursday 10 January 2013

cock over tits and reverse.

still cannot write angsty fics atm. so yeeaahhh here is a rant.

i have a problem with names. i think one of the many Holy Books says something about calling something a name and it shall be so. a pen is a pen because you name it so. if i call it a feniakal, then it fucking so yeah?

hi, my name is Lola( still trying that Moby Dick oh come on). without the name Lola, i am a faceless stranger, i am part of the crowd, i can be who so ever i wish to be. but the minute i say i am Lola. i embody the name, that will be my identity.
Similarly, i have this problem with most feminists, and rainbow coloured people, black people, asians, etc.
with a name, an identity is formed. I get that human beings are creatures that crave identity. but have you ever stopped to think that with your identity, you create, subconsciously of course, certain restrictions to your own person?
and yes, i do understand, that if you do not identify yourself, someone else will. but do you need to identify yourself with how someone else sees you?

i am Lola. I am a woman.

and certainly i will be identified with what i call myself, enter feminists, and your never ending woes of discrimination. have you ever thought that by calling yourself a woman, you expect....anticipate even, this discrimination you think you see against your person and everyone else of your gender?
i am a feminist, but my problem lies with women who cry foul about sexual segregation, and they are the first to tell their little boys, " do not do those dishes, that is a woman's work." shame on you.

i know, and see, that us dark skinned, melanin filled people face discrimination  but have you thought that, the very idea of you being black, makes your spine curve and your head bow when you enter an establishment rumored to favour those with fancy coloured eyes? why not walk in with the pride and poise your mama must have surely instilled in you? the same way you would walk into Mama Amina's kiosk, full of confidence and laughter and gait..are you still with me?

now rainbow coloured people, yes, you.
before i knew that liking both girls and boys is weird, or you shouldn't like people of the same sex...note, feminists, and my brothers who crave to be sisters and sisters who have a curious case of penis envy, like yours truly, not, was until when? last year? lol, i was sheltered. i would have no problem with walking down the street holding my best friends hands...because it was cool, it didn't mean anything, but when i realised we were called bisexuals, or gay, and many other names out there...i can't hold a girls hand in public, because, surely, they can tell i like her?, because i have been called bisexual, i will call myself bisexual, and i will expect people to treat me as a bisexual. because people call you a woman, you see yourself as a woman, and you will expect to be treated as a woman. because you are black....and so on and so forth

while identity is needed for solidarity, and a sense of community, how you identify yourself, will also affect how you think of yourself, and that is what i am advocating against. when you are sitting in a corner, moaning about being discriminated against because you like cock, or tits, or you are black, or a woman....ask yourself if by anticipating said discrimination, you did not contribute to how people perceive you.

hi, my name is Lola, i am a person, i like a person, and i will settle down with whoever i fall in love with.

hi, my name is Lola, i am a woman, i like a girl, i like boys too, i can settle down with a boy or a girl.

hi, my name is Lola, i am a woman, i want a cock.

ta-ta darlings.

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