Saturday 19 May 2012

sluggies bunnies and BAMFs

my internet personality is so shiny and amazing...but in real life i have the appeal of a flober social life is purely in my would think am joking, but no...not really...and don't worry, this is not a pity party post...its not that time of the month yet. booyah
after establishing that...i should also warn you that this post is as a result of two hours of International Humanitarian Law. basically, might be a shite post. 
on and on...
everyone goes through that phase in life, where you feel like a superhero, like, you are so fucking awesome, what? there is always something to do when you is ringing off the hook, potential coital partners all corners of the could snog anyone during this time and you KNOW they'd let you because for some are a cross between sexy beast and bad ass motherfucker...

and that's perfectly fineee. 
then enters those days when you feel like the slugs pouring out of Ron's Weasley mouth in Chamber of Secrets...or worse...gods you feel so blue, so gross, so aesthetically unappealing you dont even wanna see your reflection in the bloody mirror...because suddenly, no amount of concealer hides the fact that you have six...SIX different pigments on your face...who has that???? well today its you.. and all you wanna do is laze around on the couch in your jammies, a stupid kid's show...or perhaps its time to learn how to fucking knit...or something equally as useless like learn the rules of football.
..then...for others...there are those days you feel like this
who am i?where am i? why am i here? 
those days where you are sooo fucking bored out of your eat, have a wank, have a shower, wank, eat, have a shower, wank,....oh shuush don't act like you dont do it...Jesus sees you!!!!

for some, mainly me, and my somewhat surprisingly close group of friends...the days where you get utterly bored are more frequent than should be possible...jeez...

and here is my remedy...and it works for me...

check it out on my next post... ;)

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