Monday 4 June 2012

dressed pumpkins and gods of thunder

hiii!!!! it has been far far too long darlings ;) i can explain..
...FINALSSSS!!! my weeks have been filled with four hour sleeps, a million ounces of coffee, too little time for food, and a lot...and i mean, alot...of cramming. semester ended on all honesty, it feels like a Sunday...despite it being a Monday...but its can be Sunday all fucking week for the next four months for all i care...its over!!
by the by....i know, i know, i have a pending post to post, its in my draft...i started writing it then i felt guilty about not studying for the Labour Law paper...and eh...had to leave it. i will post it later though :) i have four months to be will be some sort of list for myself or something..
....Sooo.....SATURDAY!! my final paper was on Saturday afternoon..ikr!! like urgh, who has class, and exams on a bloody saturday afternoon...especially when u live on an island?? well i do. and the morning before that, we had an advocacy presentation -.- where my group, a bunch of over-achieving ponces, decided we should all dress up.
who does that?urgh...
anywayyy...i never dress unless its a wedding, or a funeral, or when i wake up feeling all femme and crap like that.
buuut...okay, some might disagree, hehe, cause of the abundance of jeans and tees i wear, but i know a thing or two about long as am not dressing me that is...i can be an amazing stylist :P boo...what? stop looking at me like that!
moving on...i always thought i was born in the wrong era, the wrong town...i should have been born between the 40's and the 80's...i believe those were the best years fashion will ever have...from the underskirts, to the pearls...from the cigarettes, to the cars...from the music to the pornography  industries...those were the best years....from Grace kelly, to Audrey, those were the years....moving anyway, because we had to dress up, and i had previously purchased a vintage green dress from this cute little store in the really, if you are in nairobi, ask around for Closet 49, they have insane stuff, and their sales are to die for...very good place for lovers of vintage. i got the cutest little brown romper, and satchels...i am thinking of moving into that place.again, i digress...back to saturday mornings outfit...
an emerald green short dress, it had shoulder pads, that made my shoulders so straight!loved it! it had a gold leaf brooch...aaaahhhh....and a high waistline...with square pockets on my was a bit big for me, but i didnt mind....
i wore it with white peep toe heels, a simple pearl necklace, and turned another looong pearl necklace into a layered bracelet...wore gold hoop earings and red lipstick...if i had braids i would have put it into two cornrows...but i already had cornrows, so i just put it in a bun
i cant get a picture that quite captures it...buut, it looks like this, i think...just green, with a brooch..the red dress, but shorter arms...minus belt. i dont have a camera :(
i got mixed reactions with it...everyone in school was like u wear dresses!!??? and lipstick
and i was all...psssht, ull get over it...
my other pal was like
haha...buuuut i was day has been shitty, so ya, im Margaret Thatcher crossed with Liza manneli...get over it.

no, day became worse...and worse...and worse...
i didnt expect this post to be this long...but engh, i havent gotten to the point of this post...forgive me, if it rushed. Humanitarian Law paper was aiight..was done in one and a half hours..shocking..
then there's this little event at this sea side club, Il Covo, every month, we get a house trance making up for lack of BoTB, sue me... and i try to go every month, but this month has been werk, financially...problem was, some pals of mine were in town, n i couldnt go this Q-party, so i thought i'd go for SNL, and wonders of wonders...le mummy sent me some cash, yay!yay!for skin toners,and theeeen, my evil sweet sister, decided, oh then, i wont give u allowance cause mummy sent you horrid bitch!!!( i say this with a lot of love) if i had known, i wouldnt have bought the bloody moisturizer, my skin can go another month feeling like sand paper. and i had gotten like two six packs of beer, right, and like sijui how many packs of malboros...dont forget the spliff, and the pills.
it was a good week..i got high and drunk every night i still had extra cash, buut, eh, i couldnt be poor again, and regret not being able to buy a mzuri pack f cigs cause i chain smoked on the beach. so i decided not to go out... of my closest girl pals...holla Mookie, decided we HAVE to go out, n she was sorting it out...but we are both hustlers...lmao, yeah, am a hustler..ehehe...and the hustle wasnt going as planned, i was ready to call it a night by the way, or afternoon, but we checked in on another pal...this girl, is sooooo the teeth???she has amazing teeth!!!! really now, who has amazing teeth?? she stops traffic yo...i have to warn all my pals, girls and boys to stay away from her after they meet her...nhu...she wouldnt let me not go, so i was on welfare...not something my blood sits well with by the way...but i had gotten off so many parties, and come onnn, it was end of i gave in, just one beer, am not a heavy drinker.
...but then, my mum had decided to come town...and i hadnt locked my room, and it was an utter mess...she doesnt mind my drinking...she supports it actually, but the one time she thought i was smoking...lool, it wasnt i was jittery...and apparently you can't go out looking like Thatcher.lool. so i had to wear a dress that made me looking like a pumpkin in was super short.
...nnnhuu...we hang out wit my boys....yeeeeah....i hustle and have boys.. :p
which involved alot of smoking...oh lord i was tripping by 8pm. and some booze...urgh, i am not a brandy person...Jack Daniels, red i just stuck to my spliff...lots of it...i couldnt see straight by the time we were going out..
...the moment we got in...some acq. of mine and i started dancing while people looked for a place to chill out..i cant remember what i danced to :P
but i danced...alot..i only go out to dance btw...i dont do social all...if i wanted a pint, lets buy some, and go chill out at the beach or something.
plus, i had to bur off some calories...i had eaten possibly, my body weight in food.
..sooooooooooooooooo...the reason for this post...
this guy :P

there was this guy...omg...i am not into really big guys...and no...not fat...just 6'7 or something kinda a pretty tall girl, and my head was beneath his pecs...yeah, i felt them ;)
he has abs...and pecks...bigger than idk...joe manganiello...i kid not!! and the height!!!oh my fucking god...and he is soooo fucking gorgeous...urgh, it should be illegal to be that gorgeous...

like i said...taller...and wider than joe...okay, i cant upload a pic for some reason.. anyway...this guy right, was leaning on a post, watching people dance and some asses being thrown in his face..there was ass
my encounter with him....right..i was leaving the dance floor, after dancing with this bird that became my somewhat dance buddy through out after some mutual groping..hehe leaving the dance floor...there i am in my little world...then bam! i walk into a wall...thats how solidly built this god was! like thor or something...hercules!!yes..
so...instead of stepping away right, he circles his arms around my waist...and am dying and trembling vause my ovaries decided yes!!!!!! we want his babies! and i stand there, blinking up at him...not being able to stop the bloody quivering...and he holds me tighter right...whuuuuut!!! and grins, okay??oh Lord...i would have died if not for my bladder..who has a voice like that???eish..
and i nod, n he lets go <oh why, why, why> lol....
he didnt go back to the dance floor for awhile, but i had forgotten he xists, cause that bird i mentioned earlier was gyrating pornographically against me...and i feel eyes on dont throw asses at matter how godlike he was...nor how many times my ovaries broke into a musical number everytime our eyes met...and sadly, the only beach moments i had were when i went out to light a spliff....
but i know someone who had their beach moment ;)
nhu........thats why i had to write...i had to tell you...i have possible wank material for atleast another decade...ta!

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