Thursday 15 May 2014

Cock-loving Feminist

They teach us as we grow up that it is a woman's right to know what they want to do with their body.
They tell us, if you don't like it, don't do it. Don't let that boy stick his willy in if you don't like him.
They encourage us to explore our bodies, and I must confess that twelve year old me approved so much of this message. Especially at bath times. When I was old enough to be left in the tub alone. With a shower hose. After hiding behind my mum's desk reading grown up people books.
I need to quit with this digressing habit.

As I grew up, this information was in every magazine I read. and the message was all the same:
Empowerment comes with sexual liberation.
In my quest to be the most empowered powerful woman I could think of, I decided to take this task at heart. Sex. Sex.and more Sex.

They were not lying. There is something to be said about oozing the kind of sex appeal I feel I have. When you walk into a room with a floor length black dress that covers you in such a dreadful manner, yet you see the men stop, and the women cling to said men, then you will know what I am talking about. I take a little too much pleasure in the discomfort of other women the minute I walked into a room. I like to think that I look like a Queen. A debauched Queen you want to see shackled at your feet swallowing your cock.
I am a staunch feminist. Other feminists will disagree. Because they are of the opinion, so I have heard, that by wantonly wanting, no..needing to fuck and get fucked, I enforce the theory that women are tools for sexual pleasures. I would laugh in your face if you were even an iota of the woman you claim to be and said this to my face. But we both know you can not look at my face without picturing your husband's load dripping off it. I forgive you.

But see, its because of these women. These girls, who refuse to accept that with sexual liberation comes with empowerment. Its a rush that sticks to you that you can piss on someone and they would lose their shit. Its excites me when women tremble with lust disguised as rage when I look into their eyes.
They want me. They want to fuck me. They want me to fuck them.
They want to be me. To fuck like me. To be fucked like me.

It never occurred to me that in my quest to sexual liberation, I would meet an obstacle in the form embarrass me to say this...but yes...emotion. Especially after I was so unfamiliar to it.
The only emotions I can remember feeling was lust, contempt, rage and smug satisfaction every time I was accosted for seconds.

I don't do seconds, simply because there is just so much to learn, to experience. Of course not everyone was amendable to that I surely found out seeking liberation between the soft thighs of The Green Eyed girl.............................................TO BE CONTINUED