Tuesday 25 March 2014

You can't have your (cup)cake and eat it too

Cupcake read my last post.
Yes. We are still together.
Yes. we are still annoyingly cute together.
No. we do not take couple selfies.

So lady and I have this unspoken agreement where she does not read my blog. actually, she told me she would probably never  read my blog because my posts are too long. But she does. She never wants to dissect my posts and find a deeper intense meaning behind my words. and thank fuck that. But she knows when a post is up for discussion and when its not. basically if its up for discussion, she won't really say that she read it, like "oh I read your post today." no...random statements and comments will creep up on me during conversations that are suspiciously familiar. sometimes she yells them at me...at times she sneers them...but mostly she cackles. like a witch. A very sexy enchanting witch. and when its not up for discussion she so sweetly gets me a bottle of wine because I probably do need it.

Last week's post was hilarious for me...writing it was the most fun I have had in the advocate's library in like forever. but I was a bit embarrassed because I am a nice girl who should not talk about another girl's tits. No matter how imaginary said girl is. if you didn't read my last post... http://soshesa.blogspot.com/2014/03/sapphic-tinga-majigas.html

Anyway, we were sitting out with cupcake and the bff when the bff told me that her boy toy (forgive me, but you two refuse to define this thing so you get to be called boy toy) had read my new post, and was asking if it really did happen. The number of people who asked me that is insane!! i refuse to comment on it. So cupcake turns to look at me..as her eyes grow wider and wider at the hints of me writing smut.
"I swear the sex scene is like two sentences long!" and I do swear it seemed like two sentences long. Apparently it wasnt. oooops.

so this is Cupcake's reaction to my post.

1- The fuck are almond shaped eyes?
2- I do not want to see you talking to any skinny girls! (she talks like she weighs a tonne this one. )
infact, I do not want your eyes to wander to skinny arms. Twigs?? no. If a skinny girl is infront of you, close your eyes
3- we will cut down every tree in Mombasa.
4- I should not see you standing under a tree, or anywhere near a tree.
5- talk to a skinny girl under a tree and its over!
6-Do not smoke under trees!
7- do not share your cigarette with a skinny girl. especially not under a tree!!
8- any tree that stands in your way will be pulverized.

she jokes.
I think.

Namaste bitches.

Friday 21 March 2014

Sapphic tinga majigas

Eh hehe...hahahaaa.... *hangs head in shame* here is some smut in form of apologies...who doesn't like barely legal lesbian sex???

Lets pretend that I am telling you about one of my high school Sapphic escaped. Because, really, who went to an all girl's boarding school in the middle of nowhere and did not hear those whispers, the vile rumors about what went on in the sports locker rooms late in the evening when we were all meant to be studying for that physics paper?

I wasn't what you would call a good girl if I am going to be perfectly honest. bare my soul and tits sort of. I was constantly in trouble for talking back, not wearing my shirt right, for coping fags from the school cook for a little graze of my teenage boobs. yeah, come on..i know you did it too, or would have if the only way to get a good smoke was to let the good old man cope a feel now and then. it wasn't really that bad really, sometimes I would be lucky to get a blunt now and again.

I had a lot of friends. I will call them friends now because I will sound too self absorbed if I called them followers. I don't want you to hate me. so I will call them friends. who followed me around, and made sure I had water under my bed for when the taps ran out.
I had this particular.....friend..no..i cant call her that either because we hardly interacted, but she was a frequent participant in my debauched daydreams featuring her almond shaped eyes and soft thighs..so we shall stick with friends..

I hope that's enough back story, because I am losing interest in my story already.

It was Sunday afternoon, after mass. Everyone was rushing to get lunch but I can't eat that slush if its not the munchies driving me insane. how did our parents let us eat all that crap? how am I still alive after four years of food doused in paraffin anyways?? it doesn't work by the way. libido was and still is a raging storm, sometimes the storm is so strong I can't leave my house because I am humping anything that comes in my path. In your face. So I go to the football grounds and light a bud under this tree who's name would make my story a bit poetic but I wasn't bothered to know the name then, and I am not bothered now. Man I gotta change my attitude though. It was a good bud. you know the one that unfurls in your throat and burns a little. slow burning and heavy. I like Sunday sessions because I can think of home and sleeping in my soft bed and not worry about being caught out. i cannot take another suspension. i would be kicked out for good and I doubt the old man would be willing to pay for a third school.

I am about halfway through my bud when my...friend...lets call her Sloane cause her real name is equally pretentious, shows up. See, she is one of those lithe slim girls with arms the size of twigs and a bikini bridge on her school skirt. Tall, almost as tall as I am, and dark skinned. I don't mind her being here because we smoke up a couple of times together. so I smile and pass her my beautiful bud that is making me feel too generous. she smiles back and sits down next to me and we smoke in companionable silence. you know the rules..puff puff pass.
In the spirit of baring my soul as I had earlier mentioned, I should come clean and say that I was not new to what happened next.
I don't remember any dialogue. i don't think there was any. but I remember her face as she knelt in front of me and pulled her sweater off. Its nothing out of the ordinary, taking a sweater off. its the most normal thing in the world to take your sweater off when it feels hot. so normal I had to take mine off too. she smirks a slow knowing smirk with her eyes half closed as a result of being too high but i will say it was the passion to make myself feel better.
That silly smirk i will never forget that seemed to say " i know what you are thinking"
which would be odd because even I didn't know what I was thinking about. the glorious weather, the smell of lingering marijuana, the taste of her lips..wait what? I crack an eye open and sure enough, I see her mouth attached to my mouth and her lashes fluttering on her cheeks. Look, one of the rudest things in this world is kissing someone and have them lying there like a dead fish. Dead fish I am not! and I really dont want to be rude...no sir. i am never rude. so I kiss her back with so much enthusiasm our teeth clash. but who cares? because one of my daydreams is happening right now and numb teeth will not get in the way of our tongues.
Its messy, its wet, its earth shattering good, absolutely fantastic the way she whimpers when my tongue grazes the side of her cheek. Incredibly divine when her hands tug on my shirt and slip on my waist. see the thing with being with a girl is the contrast between her vulnerability and her strength. here she is on one hand whimpering into my mouth and trembling as i lightly touch her shoulder and on the other she is pulling and grabbing my clothes as if she absolutely hates them. I hate them too. they offend her, then for sure they offend me. how dare they??

she groans and pulls away, and I really try not to weep because then this might never ever happen again. and that thought is worse than global warming. she says something and I can't hear a thing because I am really really trying hard not to get depressed. over a kiss for that matter. a mind shattering kiss, but still just a kiss. she stands up to walk away and i just cannot take it. my hands shoot up and grab her by her ass. I swear to the gods I meant to go for the waist. but since my hands are there already, I am hard pressed to take them away. she turns and quirks her eye brow and smirks. really, this girl smirks way too much and I am tired of feeling like the brunt of a cute joke she doesn't want to share. really really tired. and horny. so horny I could get off on my panties touching my clit. but where is the fun in that?
I tug at her hand and she almost stumbles on to me, which would be a fine position for some good old humping, but my munchies are kicking in. so I hold her steady at her hips and tell her to hold on to the tree. she does! such a good girl isn't she?
I want to be nice, make it nice for her so she can want to make it with a girl again in case this is her first time, but she looks so ready like that. legs spread tits to trunk with her skirt riding up her slim thighs. I run my palms up her inner legs. not softly, not roughly, just so I can see if her thighs really are that soft. They are by the way. so soft i cant stop running them all over her. but there is this stupid vile underwear that is obnoxiously in my way. so I tug it down. what is it with these clothes today??
 You know that soft skin on her thighs...its even softer on her cute butt. so soft i want to take a big bite of it...but its too far, so I settle for biting her leg. she shivers and sags a little. so i bite higher up, a little harder, and she whimpers (gods the whimpers) and slumps again. this new game of our goes on for a bit until she is breathing so heavily and I am biting at the juncture of her thigh and panty less butt.
I am clearly having the time of my life but apparently she isnt cause she reaches down and grabs my head in place and brings down her little hot wet self on my mouth. I love buds of all kinds but this little dark bud is probably my favorite. I should crown it. but now I am so fucking hungry. and Sloane is so kind to feed me, I really cannot be rude! so I lick her up, so fucking wet this one, and hot...really, she is so hot her fuck juice is hot. its like eggnog or some shit, only better. I am trying to be a lady here and eat her out slowly, make it good for her, but she is having none of it, and oh thank gods she starts grinding herself into my mouth, and I am lucky she is baby soft or I would have whisker burns for a month with her enthusiasm. her whimpers are moans now, and i want to tell her to keep down, but my mouth is otherwise happily occupied as I try to eat her heart out. oh did I not mention this? maybe...perhaps, i have this bothersome crush on her...and what better way to show her than to enthusiastically let her fuck your face? like really? she feels heavier, and my tongue is starting to tire out, all those letters of the alphabets i have been spelling to show her my prowess are starting to wear on me. so really the best thing to do is grab her...which i am doing. her legs are well over my shoulder now, my nose right on her crotch, and my tongue on that bud i wanna suck on. so I do...being polite and all. she comes too quickly after that. thighs and butt trembling with the strain, back arched and nub throbbing so hard on my tongue, cum dripping down my chin.

she lets out this deep slow sigh and unhooks her legs from my now sore shoulders, she bends down and gives me those kisses..you know, slow and soft with lazy strokes of her tongue. and really if the reward for giving her an orgasm on a tree was that, I really hope she is up to it again. soon. now perhaps cause i am still so horny my legs are numb...that happens. I swear it does!

she stands up and pulls her panties up and adjusts her bra and top.

my heart sinks. cause this is definitely it! she is going to walk away and leave me high and dry..

she smirks..again, i want to roll my eyes at her, I do...and they get stuck to the back of my head as I feel her hand between my thighs, under my underwear...and just as quickly, they are out. I snap my eyes open to see her lick the fingers and smile.

"next time"

I raise an eyebrow. i am really trying so hard not to pout
" who says there will be a next time?"

"oh there will be."

she saunters off.

I light a fag.

of course she is right.