Saturday 29 December 2012

omg 20what

i cant write angst!!!! omg! idk why!
anyway...2012 recap?? because i live for clichés n shit like that yo.

1- i got my ickle heart bruised abit. it sucks that this is the first thing im putting down...but chronological order n shizz.
it sucked. like all break ups do, except the ones where i hate you for being a spineless bastard n cannot take anymore of your crap again. #insert Decode-Paramore#  face some have been Decode'd and thats cause.....are you even a man at all? flash us that vag...Anne Hathaway style :)
...but this break up was chilled out. mummy had me go to church and pray. lol. no.

heh. law school kicked my butt! third year first semester was horrrriiiiiiiiid. i kid you not! i had like two resits. well bye bye first class....or second class...perhaps even lower second class honors. how bad is that? guh. that was fucking horrible! almost dropped out! but the fuck would i do? Bcom? eew.

3-le mummy sick.
worst days ever. like. ever. i cant even talk about it.

4-le daddy
step daddy passed on. i could tell you i still see him at random corners and it sucks, but that goes without saying. this is the first christmas we didnt spend with him. sucks? totes.

shittiest movie ever. the disappointment that was served on Nolans fake teeth will be explained in the next post.
i think this is the only Bale movie i had to put my disco light dildo away. like WHAT

6- Nephew snitching that i smoke.
two year olds are the devils!!! gorgeous fantastic devils...but devils! my nephew, told my bubbah, my sister and bro in law...with illustrations yeah, that i smoke. no one called me out on it...but imagine the two days before i realised i actually dont give a fuck.

7-mum finds Lolas porn. need i say more?
8- world didnt fucking end. fuck you.


i made fucking amazing friends this year. for awhile i had no life whatsoever in mombasa. and now i do. it was horrible trying to be fucking social. soul draining shit. i cant even single them out.because i would take ages, n maybe end up crying.

the biffle's bro's wedding was in Malindi. the other biffle came down from Nai. it was amazing. i wore a scandalously short dress that was technically a shirt. and i rocked it.

y'all know him as astoldbybobby. if you dont, you obviously arent as cool as i thought. anyway, turned his place into a fortress of debauchery over the holidays. had coffee or vodka for breaky the whole fucking time. and then we dicovered those 80bob beers with le mookie. dont fucking judge us, we had to save the money for pizza.

how perfect was my birthday?? pretty fucking perfect! i was to write a post, but my battery was low so no pics.
i wrote a paper on biodiversity, got tested AIDS day, went to some bazaar where i got a pretty cool alice band and Spongebob goodies.
went to Covo. had sushi with the girl. the chilled out on the beach with the best friends and drank wine off a fucking cool pitcher.

the BFF is here n her birthday is tomows so expect pics

haaaaarrrrrr. i came out to my mummy. its cool. she's cool. bet you wish we could swap mums. it went something like...i like girls. dont hate me. n she was like. whatever man, du want chicken for dinner. i wish i was joking.

...the reason i cant write angst is because im dating a twelve year old(pedowhatnow) girl with gorgeous eyes that has turned me into a big pile of mush. seriously. January Lola would throw up all over our hands.
but January Lola...has nothing on December Lola.

because i have grown up. this year was pretty balanced out i think, or i was balanced out. shit got bad at some point, and i got through it. laxed up and shit got fucking smooth again.

here is to hoping 2013 is twice as sane. because at the end of the day, sanity is all that matters.
tata bitches

Friday 21 December 2012

still coming home for christmas

I hate Christmas. I hate Christmas more than I hate your cold feet in the mornings.
I hate Christmas more than I hate those phone calls. You know which ones.
The ones that make you look at me as if you will never see me again, gods I hate that look.
I hate Christmas so much, that is why its two days to it, and there is no tree with blinking lights.
I love to bake, but I will not bake on Christmas.
I have not baked any Christmas treats during the festivities for three years.
I have not gone home for Christmas for three years.
I will not even drink eggnog on or about Christmas. Because I hate Christmas.
I hate Christmas so much…more than I hate it when I hear her name. oh we all know
How much I cannot stand her. Especially during Christmas.
I hate Christmas because you, my love, are not here,
Where are your dastardly cold feet on Christmas morning?
Where is your drunk smile over a glass of brandy on Christmas Eve? When we sit and think of three years ago when everything was bright
Fuck I hate the smell of pine on Holidays, I hate it so much I throw out your aftershave.
Its because I hate Christmas that I am still in bed.
Not you.
Never you.
You ruined Christmas.
With your loud absence.
Thinking of you, always hurts,
Because I never know when you will show up on my door step again.
I wonder if you miss me on Christmas. With your wife.
With your arms full of a warm body.
With my arms empty of you.
Tomorrow, it will be okay,
I will remember that you are not mine,
And it will be okay,
And I will see you when you come knocking, you always knock, even though it does not matter
And I will smile when you take out your bottle of brandy, because you will not listen otherwise,
And it wont hurt so much when you play that record
“so if you have a minute why don’t we go,
Talk about it somewhere only we know”
And you will tell me about your week….its never more than a week.
And I will listen, and you will smile because you know I will always listen.
But not this week, this is Christmas, and I hate it,
Even when I know I am the one who didn’t show up for Christmas…three years ago
I know it must be hard to sit and wait for me all over again.
But you know I was coming home for Christmas.
I just didn’t see the truck loose control.
Just you…and a blinding light.
Three years ago, I was late for Christmas.
Three years late,
A few more years await.
I hate Christmas.
Because I know you will always remember I never made it back home.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Sunday Morning

so, this little blogger has been away for a while...did i post the last month? i don't know...this is a random post though.
also, i have been dedicating blog posts to friends, and special fans, and i wish, and hope i will still do that.
this one is for my special fan, papi, its humbling how you think of my crazy head.

...and for the rest of you, i will introduce.... Sunday mornings. i think we have established i have a bit of a domestic fetish ;)

Sunday Morning

its the rain i hear, and your breath on my neck,
Sunday morning at its best,
all tangled limbs and soft sighs,
hair in my face,
Sunday mornings are best when you move in close,
and you mold into me,
chest to back,
curves and soft skin
Sunday mornings are best, cause then i watch you wake up,
when you stretch just like that, and get closer,
Its on Sunday Morning i forget, that there is a world outside me and you.

Because you promised me once, that the world can have us the whole week, at all times,
but Sunday Mornings will always be ours,
and Sunday Mornings that find us apart, are the worst yet,

when Helena, in the garden looked upon Demetrius, and told him, when she has him in her sights, the whole world is right in front her, because he is her world.

what sentimental bullshit,
but on Sunday mornings, you are all i see,
all i touch
we belong to the world, only because we are the world
the very definition of it.

and Sunday mornings are for pancakes
and the horrible coffee you make
and cold kisses on my neck

and we can pretend the world doesn't exist.
and its okay that tomorrow is fast approaching
because we have other Sunday mornings to look forward to.

Sunday Morning- Maroon 5

happy Jamhuri Day